...to the first week of 2021, and the beginning of a new blog.
Last year, I had the grand idea to instigate a daring publishing plan - take my debut novel and publish it as a subscription-based serial. I wanted to push the possibilities of modern publishing as an independent author. I thought I could shake the foundations of indie publishing. (Yes, I am a sucker for high ideals.)

The more I investigated this adventurous idea, the more terrifying it became. I've been involved in several publishing projects in the past, but they were undertaken as a part of a team. There was always access to incredible mentors, high-quality equipment and software, and the safety in knowing that if it didn't work, there was always next semester. (Yes, I studied publishing at university.)
This little idea of mine involved a team of me, myself and the odd cat walking across the keyboard for good measure. The willpower, ingenuity, knowledge, time, money, all of it had to come from a single source. Me.
I've changed my tune, now. I'm shelving the serialised subscription for another time when I'm more familiar with indie publishing, and for a project that isn't my debut novel. Instead, I'll be following the tried and tested route of self-publishing my book. (Yes, I realise this sounds like an oxymoron.)
This blog will serve as a reflective space; a place where I can document my thoughts on the writing and editing process, discuss my ventures into self-publishing, and eventually, launch my book.
The monthly newsletter will be a roundup of where I'm at in the publishing journey, as well as special snippets of the novel and first-glance cover and map reveals, so make sure you subscribe!